How Much Do YouTubers Make? Guide for Aspiring Creators

6 min read
Jul 8, 2020 11:01:33 PM
How Much Do YouTubers Make? Guide for Aspiring Creators

YouTube is huge for brand awareness. With millions of users subscribing daily, it's a goldmine for marketers. Every month, people watch over 6 billion hours of videos on YouTube. Imagine the reach you can get by growing your channel.

Brands now see the value of social media in connecting with their audience. Some are still unsure about making money on YouTube. But it's a great place to start building your brand.

Becoming an influencer on YouTube can be challenging. The platform has 1.58 billion users, and cracking its algorithm is tough.

YouTube is a tempting way to earn money by doing what you love. But remember, becoming a successful YouTuber takes a lot of work to start making consistent revenue.

Main Income Streams for YouTubers 

1. Ad Revenue

One of the primary ways YouTubers make money is through ad revenue. To earn money from ads, creators must join the YouTube Partner Program. This program requires 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the past 12 months. Once these milestones are achieved, creators can monetize their videos by displaying ads before, during, or after their content.

The amount of money earned from ads depends on several factors, including the number of views, the type of ads, and the viewers' demographics. YouTubers earn about $0.018 per ad view, translating to roughly $18 per 1,000 ad views. Channels focused on lucrative niches like finance or technology often earn more per view than those in entertainment or vlogging.

2. Brand Sponsorships

Another significant income stream for YouTubers is brand sponsorships. Companies pay YouTubers to promote their products or services within their videos. This can range from simple mentions to dedicated sponsored content, where the entire video focuses on the brand's product.

Earnings from Sponsorships

The amount YouTubers earn from sponsorships varies widely based on factors such as the size of their audience, engagement rates, and the niche they occupy. On average, sponsors pay between $10 to $50 per 1,000 views. This can translate to $10,000 to $50,000 per sponsored video for videos with over a million views.

Influencing Factors

  • Audience Size and Demographics: A larger, more engaged audience often attracts higher sponsorship deals. Brands are willing to pay more to reach viewers likely to engage with the content.
  • Niche: Certain niches, like technology, fashion, or finance, tend to attract more lucrative sponsorship deals due to the higher value of their audience.
  • Engagement Rates: High likes, comments, and shares indicate an engaged audience, making the channel more appealing to sponsors.
  • Production Quality: Professional-looking videos with good lighting, sound, and editing can command higher sponsorship fees.

3. Channel Memberships

Channel memberships offer another reliable income stream for YouTubers. This model allows viewers to support their favorite creators through monthly subscriptions, providing them with exclusive perks and content.

Subscription Model

YouTube channel memberships start at $4.99 per month, with higher tiers available up to $49.99. YouTube takes a 30% cut of this revenue, leaving creators with $3.50 to $35 per monthly subscriber, depending on the tier.

Perks for Members

  • Loyalty Badges: Members receive badges that appear next to their names in comments and live chats, highlighting their support.
  • Custom Emojis: Creators can offer custom emojis for comments and live chats, adding a fun and personalized touch.
  • Members-Only Content: Exclusive videos, live streams, and community posts are accessible only to members, incentivizing subscriptions.
  • Exclusive Perks: Additional benefits like behind-the-scenes content, early access to new videos, or special shout-outs during live streams.

Channel memberships provide a steady income and help build a closer connection with the audience, fostering loyalty and long-term support.

4. Merchandise Sales

Merchandise sales provide a significant revenue stream for many YouTubers. YouTubers can monetize their popularity by creating and selling branded products and fostering a deeper connection with their audience.

Revenue Potential

The earnings from merchandise vary based on factors like audience size, engagement, and the products' quality. For instance, a YouTuber with 50,000 monthly views might earn between $730 and $3,480 from merchandise sales. Popular items include T-shirts, hoodies, and phone cases, often branded with the YouTuber's logo or catchphrases.

Popular Merchandise

  • Apparel: T-shirts, hoodies, and hats are staples in many YouTubers' merchandise lines.
  • Accessories: Items like phone cases, mugs, and stickers offer fans a way to support their favorite creators.
  • Custom Items: Some YouTubers offer unique products tailored to their audience's interests, such as limited edition items or signed merchandise.

YouTubers can generate substantial income by leveraging their brand and creating appealing products while engaging their audience in new ways.

5. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is another lucrative income stream for YouTubers. YouTubers can earn commissions on sales generated through promoting products or services and including affiliate links in their video descriptions.

Commission-Based Earnings

Earnings from affiliate marketing depend on the products and services promoted and the commission rates offered by affiliate programs. Most programs offer commissions ranging from 5% to 50% of the purchase price. For instance, tech reviewers often earn higher commissions due to the higher price points of the products they promote.

Promoting Affiliate Products

  • Product Reviews: Detailed reviews and tutorials help build trust and encourage viewers to purchase through affiliate links.
  • Unboxing Videos: Showcasing new products and their features can attract interest and drive sales.
  • Recommendations: Sharing personal experiences and suggestions for products used in the YouTuber's daily life.

With effective promotion and strategic partnerships, affiliate marketing can significantly boost a YouTuber's income.

How Much Do Top YouTubers Make?

Top YouTubers have turned their channels into highly profitable businesses, earning millions annually from various revenue streams. Here are some examples of high-earning YouTubers:


  • Annual Earnings: Approximately $82 million in 2023
  • Revenue Sources: Ad revenue, sponsorships, merchandise, and branded content
  • Content: Challenges, philanthropy, and entertaining stunts


  • Net Worth: Around $90 million
  • Revenue Sources: Ad revenue, sponsorships, merchandise, and book deals
  • Content: Gaming, vlogs, and commentary videos

Like Nastya

  • Annual Earnings: About $18 million
  • Revenue Sources: Ad revenue, sponsorships, merchandise, and toys
  • Content: Children's educational videos, vlogs, and unboxing

These YouTubers have successfully diversified their income streams, maximizing their earnings potential. Their strategies include high engagement with their audience, consistent content creation, and effective use of various monetization methods.

Factors Influencing Earnings

Several factors influence how much money YouTubers can make. Understanding these factors can help aspiring creators optimize their channels for better earnings.


The niche or content category of a YouTube channel significantly impacts earnings. Channels focused on high-value niches like finance, technology, and beauty often command higher CPMs (cost per thousand impressions) than those in entertainment or vlogging. Advertisers will pay more to reach viewers interested in specific, lucrative topics.

Audience Demographics

The demographics of a YouTuber's audience play a crucial role in determining ad revenue. Views from countries like the United States and the United Kingdom typically generate higher income due to better ad rates. Additionally, channels targeting adults generally earn more than those targeting younger audiences.

Engagement Rates

High engagement rates, indicated by likes, comments, shares, and watch time, boost a channel's appeal to advertisers and sponsors. An engaged audience is likelier to interact with ads and sponsored content, increasing the channel's earning potential.

Content Quality

Quality content that is well-produced, informative, or entertaining attracts more viewers and keeps them coming back. High production values, such as good lighting, clear audio, and professional editing, enhance the viewing experience and can lead to higher earnings from ads and sponsorships.

YouTubers can optimize their channels by focusing on these factors to maximize earnings and grow their audience effectively.

Tips for Aspiring YouTubers

Starting a successful YouTube channel requires more than just uploading videos. Here are some essential tips to help you maximize your earnings and grow your audience:

Optimize Video SEO

  • Keywords: Use relevant keywords in your video titles, descriptions, and tags to improve search visibility.
  • Thumbnails: Create eye-catching thumbnails to attract clicks.
  • Playlists: Organize your videos into playlists with keyword-rich titles to enhance discoverability.
  • Subtitles: Add subtitles to improve accessibility and reach a broader audience.

Engage with Your Audience

  • Community Interaction: Respond to comments, ask for feedback, and create community posts to engage with your viewers.
  • Live Streams: Host live streams to interact with your audience in real time and build a stronger connection.
  • End Screens and Cards: Use these features to promote other videos and encourage viewers to stay on your channel longer.

Diversify Income Streams

  • Explore Multiple Revenue Sources: Besides ad revenue, consider brand sponsorships, channel memberships, merchandise sales, and affiliate marketing to diversify your income.
  • Create Exclusive Content: Offer members-only content or perks to incentivize channel memberships.

Consistent Content Creation

  • Regular Upload Schedule: Maintain a consistent upload schedule to keep your audience engaged and returning for more.
  • Quality Over Quantity: Focus on producing high-quality videos that provide value to your viewers.
  • Analyze Performance: Use YouTube Analytics to track your video performance and adjust your content strategy based on what works best.

Following these tips can increase your chances of building a successful YouTube channel that generates significant revenue.


Starting a YouTube channel can be a creative and financially rewarding venture. By understanding the main income streams, learning from top YouTubers, optimizing your channel, and consistently engaging with your audience, you can maximize your earnings and grow your presence on the platform. For more tips and resources on promoting your YouTube channel, visit

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