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Corporate Reputation Management: What It Is and Why It Matters?

Written by Kevin James Curran | Feb 18, 2020 3:52:20 AM

Nowadays, when a tweet can change public opinion and a review can sway how much people trust a company, managing a company's reputation is more important than ever.

Did you know that 85% of people trust online reviews as much as advice from friends? This shows how big of an effect reputation can have on whether a business does well or poorly.

Managing a company's reputation isn't just about public relations anymore; it's a key strategy that includes how you reply to customer comments and handle crises.

It's all about controlling your brand's story online, where opinions form quickly and last forever.

This blog post will guide you on how to keep your company's reputation safe and improve and use it to make a big impact.

Whether you're starting a new company or trying to keep your place in the market, knowing how to manage your reputation could make all the difference.

We'll look at the main parts of managing a company's reputation, discuss tools that can help you watch and control how your brand looks, and hear stories of companies that have dealt with reputation challenges well (or not so well).

With the right strategy, your business can benefit from a great reputation, leading to more loyal customers and a big advantage over competitors.

The Pillars of Corporate Reputation Management

Navigating the complex world of corporate reputation management is akin to walking a tightrope. Every step, every decision, and every interaction matters. It's about more than just avoiding missteps; it's about intentionally crafting a narrative that reflects your brand's values, mission, and commitment to excellence.

Here are the foundational pillars that support a good reputation management strategy:

Listening to Customer Feedback

In the digital era, customer feedback is gold. It's an unfiltered view into what your audience truly thinks about your brand.

A study revealed that 97% of consumers read online reviews before making a buying decision. This makes listening an essential first step in managing your reputation.

By actively seeking out and analyzing feedback across multiple platforms, you can gain valuable insights, address concerns promptly, and continuously improve your offerings.

Focusing on Customer Experience

The customer experience is the heart of your brand. It's what differentiates you in a crowded market. A positive customer experience not only leads to repeat business but can also turn customers into advocates for your brand. In fact, customers who have a positive experience with a company are 3 times more likely to recommend it to others.

Prioritizing exceptional customer service and ensuring every interaction is meaningful can significantly boost your reputation.

Building a Strong Employer Brand

Your employees are your brand ambassadors. The way you treat them directly impacts your company's reputation.

A LinkedIn study found that a company with a positive employer brand can reduce turnover rates by 28% and cut cost per hire by half.

Cultivating a workplace culture that values, supports, and empowers employees can enhance your reputation both internally and externally.

Engaging in Community Outreach

Your brand doesn't exist in a vacuum. Its reputation is also shaped by how it interacts with the wider community. Whether it's through charitable initiatives, sustainability efforts, or local engagement, showing that your business cares about more than just profits can significantly enhance its reputation.

Companies known for their community involvement often enjoy a more loyal customer base and improved brand perception.

Crisis Management

No company is immune to crises, but how you handle them can make or break your reputation. Effective crisis management involves quick action, transparency, and a clear communication strategy.

A well-handled crisis can even improve public perception, demonstrating your company's resilience and commitment to accountability. On the other hand, a poorly managed crisis can lead to a 22% loss in revenue.

Each of these pillars plays a crucial role in shaping and maintaining a company's reputation.

By focusing on these key areas, businesses can protect and enhance their reputation in the eyes of consumers, employees, and the broader community.

How to Shield Your Company's Reputation

A single bad review can really hurt your brand. But, by being proactive, you can not only avoid risks but also make your brand stronger. Here are some simple ways to keep your company's reputation safe:

Keep an Eye on Your Online Presence

With social media around, a small negative comment can become a big deal fast. Checking your online presence regularly helps you find and fix these comments before they get worse.

Did you know businesses that keep an eye on their online presence and talk to their customers see a 19% jump in customer happiness?

Answer Feedback and Complaints Quickly

It's super important to reply to feedback and complaints fast. Studies show that companies that get back to customer complaints within 24 hours can keep over 95% of those customers.

Quick replies show you care about your customers and stop bad feelings from spreading.

Talk Often with Everyone Involved

Talking regularly with customers, employees, and partners builds trust and loyalty. You can do this through newsletters, chatting on social media, or events.

Being proactive in communication can boost your brand's reputation by 34%.

Build Good Media Relations

Having the media say good things about you can really help how people see your brand. Being friendly with the media means your company's good points get noticed, which can balance out any bad news.

Businesses good at this can see a 22% rise in how well-known their brand is.

Make Your Employees Brand Ambassadors

Your employees play a big role in protecting your brand. Training them to deal with customers well and in a way that matches your brand's values can stop problems before they grow.

Companies with strong training programs see a 23% increase in profits.

Work Well with Influencers

Influencers can change what people think of your brand. Working with influencers who share your values can help look after your brand's reputation.

Getting a nod from an influencer can make up to 50% more people trust your brand.

Looking after your company's reputation means being careful, acting fast, and engaging in a smart way.

By following these steps, you can protect your brand's image and turn any problems into chances to show off the good things about your company.

Using Tools to Improve Your Reputation

Managing your company's reputation can be much easier with the right tools. These tools help you keep track of what people say about your brand online, understand your reputation through data, and even improve how people see your company.

Here's a simple look at how these tools can help:

Media Monitoring Tools

It's important to know what's being said about your brand. Tools like Brand24 and Awario tell you when your brand is mentioned, helping you respond quickly to any news. Businesses that use these tools can react 30% faster to things that could harm their reputation.

Analytics Dashboards

These dashboards show you important data about your reputation, like how people feel about your brand and how engaged they are. Using this information, companies have made their customers 25% happier on average.

Social Listening Platforms

Listening to social media helps you understand the feelings and contexts behind mentions of your brand. Using platforms like Hootsuite and Sprout Social, companies have increased customer loyalty by 21% because they can spot trends and connect better with their audience.

Review Management Systems

Online reviews matter a lot. With platforms like Trustpilot, you can answer reviews and use them to build trust. Companies that keep up with their reviews make 9% more money than those that don't.

Influencer Collaboration Platforms

Working with influencers can boost your reputation. Tools like AspireIQ and BuzzSumo help you find the right influencers. This can lead to a 37% better chance of keeping customers because of the trust influencers create.

By adding these tools to your strategy, you can watch over and manage your reputation more effectively. You'll also use data to build trust, loyalty, and support from your customers.

How to Monitor Your Reputation

It's important to watch over your company's reputation online, as it's always changing. Keeping track of your reputation is something you need to do regularly with care. Here are easy ways to stay updated on your company's reputation:

Set Up Google Alerts

A simple way to keep an eye on your company online is by using Google Alerts.

Set alerts for your company's name, important people in your company, and your main products. This way, you'll get updates straight away when they're mentioned online, helping you quickly deal with both good and bad comments.

Check Online Reviews

Reviews on websites like Yelp, Google My Business, and other specific sites are very important for your reputation. Make sure to regularly look at these sites for new reviews, answer any feedback, and talk to your customers.

Businesses that answer reviews within a day are thought to be 58% more reliable by people looking to buy.

Watch Competitors

Seeing how people view your competitors can give you good ideas for managing your own reputation. Use monitoring tools to keep an eye on mentions of your competitors too. This can help you compare your reputation and find ways to make it better.

Look at Website Traffic and Engagement

Changes in your website's traffic or how people interact with it can show if there are any reputation issues. With tools like Google Analytics, you can see how visitors use your site, where they come from, and how engaged they are.

This information can help you find areas to improve your reputation.

Advantages of a Good Reputation

A sterling reputation is one of the most valuable assets a company can possess. It opens doors to numerous benefits that can propel your business forward.

Here are some of the most significant advantages:

Trust and Credibility

A good reputation establishes your business as a trusted player in the industry. According to a Nielsen survey, 70% of consumers say they're more likely to purchase from a brand with a good reputation.

Increased Profitability

There's a direct correlation between reputation and profitability. Companies with strong reputations are known to outperform competitors by up to 20% in terms of revenue.

Talent Attraction and Retention

Top talent is drawn to reputable companies. A LinkedIn study found that companies with positive reputations see a 50% reduction in cost per hire and a 28% increase in retention rates.

Competitive Advantage

In crowded markets, a good reputation can be a key differentiator. Businesses with positive reputations enjoy a 33% increase in customer loyalty compared to their peers.

Crisis Resilience

A solid reputation can act as a shield in times of crisis. Companies with established positive reputations recover up to 4 times faster from negative events.

Examples of Good Corporate Reputation Management

Patagonia's Environmental Advocacy

Patagonia sets a gold standard in leveraging corporate reputation for environmental advocacy. Their commitment to sustainability and environmental causes has garnered immense public support, enhancing their brand reputation and customer loyalty.

Microsoft's Accessibility Efforts

Microsoft's focus on making technology accessible to everyone has not only improved their product offerings but has also significantly enhanced their reputation. Their efforts demonstrate a commitment to inclusivity, earning them widespread acclaim.

Examples of Poor Reputation Management

United Airlines Incident

The incident where a passenger was forcibly removed from a flight caused significant damage to United Airlines' reputation. The company's initial response was widely criticized, leading to a public relations crisis that took months to mitigate.

BP Oil Spill

The BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and the company's handling of the aftermath is often cited as an example of poor reputation management. The environmental damage and perceived lack of accountability had a long-lasting impact on BP's reputation.

Key Takeaways

We've looked at how important it is to manage your company's reputation well. It's crucial to start planning your strategy now.

It's smart to be proactive about your brand's reputation. Be ready for any challenges that come your way. Using tools to keep an eye on media mentions can help you quickly deal with negative comments and improve your brand's image.

Learn from successful companies. Their stories show how a good reputation can really make a difference. These examples can guide you and show the importance of being honest and upright in business.

Being open and honest with your customers is vital. In today's world, being trustworthy is key. Your reputation plan needs careful work and planning, but the benefits are huge. It can protect you when times are tough and help your business do well by winning new customers.

Starting to work on your reputation might seem hard, but it's worth it. With the right plan, tools, and attitude, your brand can build and keep a good reputation that appeals to your current customers and attracts new ones.