How to Remove Images from Google Search Results Quickly

3 min read
Feb 28, 2021 2:58:49 PM
How to Remove Images from Google Search Results Quickly

Your online image can be just as important as your real-life persona. Unfortunately, not all content associated with our names is flattering or appropriate. Specifically, unwelcome images can tarnish your personal and professional reputation.

At NewReputation, we understand the importance of a clean online slate and offer this comprehensive guide to removing negative images from Google searches.

Understanding the Importance of Image Control

Did you know over 10% of Google's traffic is dedicated to image searches? This statistic underscores the significant role images play in our digital lives. Unfortunately, the internet is replete with countless images, making it possible for negative content to surface under your name.

Step-by-Step Guide to Removing Unwanted Images From Google

1. Locate the Source of the Image

The initial step in removing an image is to locate all online instances where it is published. You can perform a reverse image search using Google Images, which allows you to find where an image is being used on the internet, sometimes without your consent.

2. Contact the Website Hosting the Image

Once you've located the image, the next move is to contact the site's administrators or webmasters:

  • Use to search the domain's owner.
  • Search the website for a support email or contact form.
  • Locate the author's contact information through Google searches or their social media profiles.
  • Subscribe to their newsletter to get their email address.

Be polite and professional when requesting the removal of an image, as this increases the likelihood of a positive response. Remember to document all communications as they might be required for further actions.

3. Submit an Image Removal Request to Google

If direct contact does not work, you can approach Google with an "Image Removal Request". Google allows for the removal of images under specific conditions, such as:

  • Sensitive Personal or Financial Information: Images containing government IDs, private records, etc.
  • Intellectual Property Violations: Images that infringe on copyrights or trademarks.
  • Legal Issues: Images that are against the law or have related court orders.
  • Inappropriate Content: This includes revenge pornography or involuntary fake pornography.
  • Exploitative Practices: If the website demands payment for image removal.
  • Images of Minors: For identifiable images of individuals under 18.

If your situation falls under these requirements, you should submit your report to Google and request they remove the image.

remove an image from Google Search

Submit a Legal Takedown Request

In cases where your images from platforms like Instagram or Facebook are misused, a DMCA takedown request can be necessary. This federal law helps protect your online properties from copyright infringement.

4. Request Removal of Outdated Images

Google's outdated content removal tool can help remove links to content that no longer exists on the web. This ensures that images removed from their original source are also wiped from Google's cached results.

Visit the Remove outdated content page on Google and paste the link of the deleted content threat and tap on request removal.

Google remove outdated content tool

How Can NewReputation Help?

At NewReputation, we specialize in online reputation management, including the removal of negative online content and images. If you are struggling with unfavorable images, contact us for expert assistance. Our dedicated team is ready to help you manage and protect your online image and privacy.

For further details or to request help, visit our website to receive a free proposal. We are committed to helping individuals and businesses maintain a positive and professional online presence.

By following these guidelines, you can take proactive steps to manage your online image and ensure that your digital footprint reflects your true self or your business's professional standards.

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